How do I setup a clock to auto poll continuously at regular intervals?

  1. Select Clocks in the navigation list.
  2. A slide out menu will appear, select Manage Clocks.
  3. Choose your desired clock in the list.
  4. Choose the Poll or Update Schedule tab.
  5. Using the drop down menu, select Use Auto Poll.
  6. Under the Auto Polling Type, use the drop down menu to select Continuously Poll.
  7. Select how often to poll the clock at in the Poll Clock Every (Mins) field using the drop down menu.
  8. In the Start Polling At field, select a time when auto polling will begin every day.
  9. In the Stop Polling At field, select a time when auto polling will end every day.
  10. Under Auto Poll On These Days, place a check next to each day of week you wish auto polling to occur.
  11. Press Save.  PayClock Online will poll the clock at the selected intervals between the selected times on the selected days of week.


Wed 12/05/2018